Monday 23 November 2009

The Very Worst News

I am gutted that 'The Very Best' have cancelled their upcoming gig at ICA in London and that I am going to have to make the call to get a refund on my 4 tickets for 30th November. If you haven't heard any of these guys beautifully infectious music check it out on Youtube, I challenge anybody to resist the urge to move their body whilst listening.

The reason for their cancellation is down to visa problems. I have written on Riveronline about the new points based system for immigration which has been a complete pain in the arse for international students this year. This new Labour initiative to appease the right-wing press is supposed to make it more difficult for bogus applicants to make it into the country but recent reports have shown it is not working. The criminals are still getting in with fake documents, whereas plenty of talented economy booster are being kept out.

That was bad enough but now they have crossed a line by refusing Esau Mwamwaya (singer of The Very Best) a visa. Immigration control is supposed to help protect our country against damaging outside influences right? Well how is stopping these guys from making sweet music live in London good for the UK? It is certainly not good for me and I am pretty pissed about it.

This is clearly a case of cultural injustice, unless of course one of the travelling party is revealed as an international arms struggler, or convicted murderer. Then it probably is justified.

24/11/09 - Just asked Radioclit on Twitter why Esau's visa got rejected by UK immigration, hoping to get an exclusive, and they replied with "because there wankers". Not very informative but probably about right.

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