Sunday 22 November 2009

Democracy denied

So Blair was denied the EU Presidency, despite the unanamous wishes of the readers of this blog. Mackboy's highly representative and extensive poll found 100% of people anywhere in the world wanted the ex-PM as the President. So democracy has been denied and the EU has gone against the wishes of the people (though to most Daily Mail readers this will not come of much suprise).

So instead we have been given President Herman Van Rompuy, the Belgian Prime minister who does not even make it into the top 250 Belgians list, but at least we know how to pronounce his name now thanks to BBC Newsnight.

If you what to find out more about him google him but there does not seem to be much of interest. The EU seems to have hired him so as not to upset anyone, here is what he says about future negotiations he will chair: "Every country should emerge victorious from negotiations. A negotiation that ends with a defeated party is never a good negotiation. I will consider everyone's interests and sensitivities. Even if our unity remains our strength, our diversity remains our wealth."

Now you would never catch Blair saying that, more like "stuff what you think because I think I am right". Rompuy's attitude does seem a bit idealist to me though, I have always prescribed to the thinking the best outcome of negotiations is when boths sides are disapointed. Each to there own though.

So he is super diplomatic and will not upset anyone right? Well tell that to Turkey, he said five years ago that they should not join the EU. Something about not diluting the Christian core of Europe. Maybe his views have changed now but if not the placid Belgian might cause more waves for the other EU leaders than they had predicted.

With those sort of views he will probably get on well with the new Tory government, how boring. It could have been so different.

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