Thursday, 29 October 2009

Bring on President Blair

There is a lot of talk in Westminster this week about the possibility of us all bowing down to EU President Blair if the Lisbon Treaty is signed.

I think this would be brilliant for UK politics.

If anyone needs any evidence for this they need only read how appossed the Tories are. One shadow minister was quoted by the mail today as saying 'The message is clear: you can have President Blair and five years of internecine warfare with Britain over Europe; or you can have another president and a good working relationship,'

Bring on the internecine warfare!

What theatre it will be to see PM David Cameron in one corner of the ring and President Blair in the other.

On a serious note though, i think that Europe will have increasing difficulties maintaining a voice on the world stage and i think their is a danger that world politcs could boil down to a G2 consisting USA and China. If the Conservatives form the next government (it might not happen), they will certainly be an obstacle to an more unified Europe.

Blair however is best buddies with Barack , he "did it first and perhaps did it better than I will do" apparently. Obama wants a unified Europe that works and I want a leader he is going to listen to, not like the most recent rotating EU President Fredrik Reinfeldt who was blanked by the US President at a recent conference.

Today we have heard that the leaders of Europe have doubts over Blair's suitablility, charges of leading a illegal war are not great on a CV it seems. I hope they reconsider though, not only would his appointment lead to great headlines at home but it might help amplify Europe's voice in world politics.

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